Every organization, regardless of its domain, requires a proficient accountant for efficient handling of their business. A competent and resourceful accountant can prove to be very rewarding for any organization. Hence accounting is a very fulfilling and financially worthwhile career that offers a unique sense of satisfaction.

Those who are keen to make a career in accounting must consider doing one of the top-notch course that is ACCA. The associate of Chartered Certified Accountants. Or ACCA is one of the premium accounting organization that has defined some extreme boundaries to qualify its membership examinations. Getting an ACCA qualification can redefine your career and take you to high places worldwide due to its global recognition across 181 countries. 

Clearing the ACCA exam can be challenging whether you are appearing it for the first time or your last module. With an average passing rate of only 39%, passing an ACCA exam is a tough nut to crack. ACCA has 14 modules covering multiple topics that require in-depth knowledge about accounting, finance, audit and taxation. Hence one need to study smart and prepare well to clear this exam smoothly. 

Hence, if you are studying to become an ACCA, this blog will help you prepare well for the exam as it will take you through the special tips that could help you achieve the desired result in your examinations. 

Important Tips to successfully clear the ACCA exams: 

1.)  Appropriate Planning:

The first and foremost tip is to go through the whole syllabus and make a suitable study plan covering all the topics. Although the primary four papers (AB to LW) can be attempted all through the year, the students are given four attempts (in March, June, September, and December) so as to clear the remaining ones during the year. One suggestion here is to study one paper in each quarter. This will keep you focused on one subject at a time, which apparently will benefit you as you gradually proceed to higher-level subjects. Since, as you reach the higher levels, the level of complexities also increases, as some subjects in the higher level are tougher or have a loftier syllabus to cover up. Hence, you might have to start preparing for your next exam prior to your previous exam results. This will give you the optimum amount of time to prepare for your next exam.

2.) Try and cover all the topics: 

Self-analyze your performance and focus on your weaknesses. Moreover, try to fix it up but not at the cost of missing out on the complex topics. Plan your study schedule in a way that covers all the syllabus topics, thereby giving sufficient time for preparation.  

3.) Practice Mock tests: 

Speaking of self-analysis in the previous point, the best way to do it is through mock tests. Mock tests will help you to self-assess your strengths and areas that need improvement. SISF offers a series of well-executed mock tests and exam replications to give that feeling of the D day to the students. After 5-6 tests, the students will get a sense of confidence for the exam day. Although the first four papers are computer-based Multiple choice questions (MCQ’s), the journey of Multiple choice objective and subjective type questions begins from the 5th paper. Attempting them requires sufficient practice and correct technique, thereby sticking to the confined time frame. Moreover, the students can also practice previous exam papers to evaluate their performance and the paper pattern. 

4.) Regular practice: 

ACCA is more of a practice and application-oriented course that requires more practice than cramming or memorizing. Try to remember the content by making acronyms or pocket notes, taking the help of the mentors or educators so as to figure out the best way to remember the syllabus. 

5.) Personal health and wellbeing: 

Last but not the least, take good care of yourself. Do not put an extreme amount of pressure on yourself to perform better in your exam. The more you push yourself, the less likely are your chances for better performance. 

Hence it is very important to eat well, get enough sleep, and most importantly, not put yourself under unnecessary pressure. 

Overall, all the above mentioned tips will help you stay focused and split your ACCA preparation into manageable parts, thereby giving you enough time to prepare for the exams. All you have to do is to stick to the said schedule as much as you can. Most importantly, always remember that it is not the end of the world if you could not clear the ACCA course in one go. Exams can make us our own worst enemies if we overexert or overburden ourselves to get a positive outcome. Just in case if you are unable to clear the exams, take it as a learning opportunity. 

Provide yourself with the greatest chance to clear your ACCA exams in the first attempt by getting yourself registered at SISF (Hyperlink of enrolment page.)

Sceptical about our offer!! No issues, you can enlighten yourself by checking our official website/webpage/insta page. 

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